Captain's log, stardate…
Just kidding, this isn’t Star Trek…it’s Andy Weir.
In 2018, Tessco launched an internal initiative that required team members to periodically send out updates to their fellow employees. As a way to increase engagement, I thought it would be fun if we made the videos feel like Matt Damon’s mission logs in The Martian. Having never made something like this before, I started researching other “mission log-esque” videos and isolated a few trends. The first being that, it is important to display some general information like the person’s name, the project name, and so on. The second trend I noticed was the amount of moving elements present. And finally, several examples I saw had textured overlays to give the logs a “techie” filter. So with that, I got to work and made an interactive overlay that could be placed on top of an employee’s recording.
Do to the nature of the internal initiative, the content presented in the example above is fictitious. However, the overall design is the same.